Character Creation
Residents of the Mire come in all kinds. Taking inspiration from Brian Jacques's Redwall, all characters within are anthropomorphized animals with their own free will, place in society, and belief (or disbelief) in religions. Most of them can be sorted into categories, as you will see below.
In Miredawn, all characters must have their own creed, which you can read about on their respective page. There is an element of randomization to character creation here; you can either pick your creed, or pick your species category. The one you do not choose will be randomly dice-rolled for you and assigned to your character. We encourage you to make the most of your combination and try playing tropes or characters you're not used to. If you want a guaranteed species + creed combination, it is suggested you pick the species category you want and then change your character's randomized creed with the provided prompt.
Upon your first character's acceptance, members are granted an extra two free slots for a total of three (3) starting characters. However we do suggest you only focus on one at a time if you intended to heavily take part in the roleplay aspect of the game.
Species Options

Felidae (FEL)
Includes cats, lynxes, ocelots, servals, pallas cats, golden cats, and other small-to-medium-sized felines

Lagomorphs (LGO)
Includes rabbits, hares, and pikas

Reptiles (REP)
Includes lizards (chameleons, monitors, geckos), turtles, and tuatara

Amphibians (AMP)
Includes frogs, salamanders, and newts

Musteloidea (MUS)
Includes weasels, stoats, badgers, otters, wolverines, skunks, and raccoons

Canidae (CAN)
Includes dogs, foxes, jackals, coyotes, maned wolves, and raccoon dogs

Rodentia (RDT)
Includes rats, mice, gophers, beavers, squirrels, capybaras, chinchillas, hamsters, and guinea pigs

Viverridae (VIV)
Includes civets, genets, mongooses, meerkats, and binturongs
Restricted species for character creation include wolves, tigers, lions, leopards, and panthers.
Please visit the creeds page for a comprehensive list.
Once you're ready to make your character, open a ticket in the server and send the mods the following form:
Character Creation Form
Toyhouse Username:
Species Category: (picking or rolling?)
Creed: (picking or rolling?)
Patron God: (optional upon creation, this can be chosen later by you at any time, or omitted entirely)
Character Profile: (this should be a link to their toyhouse profile. basic character requirements include a name, age, and brief personality description (or 3 negative, neutral, and positive traits). histories are optional but encouraged)
Reference: (visual reference art of your character. you may draw this yourself or commission someone else for it or use a pre-existing design you own that follows requirements. do not use stolen or AI art. this is not optional; if you are having trouble designing or drawing your character, let us mods know!)